Businesses can feel like they are under attack. There are more and more people looking to take what you have built up over a number of years. A theft from a business or damage to their equipment or premises can have a devastating effect. But there are some basic steps to take to protect all you have worked hard for. Here is our guide to the 7 most common security issues for business – and how you can deal with them –
For the hardened criminal, getting into your business premises can be done in a matter of seconds. So, the first step on the road to a more secure business is to get the locks on all entrances up to standard. If your business location can be accessed in other ways, such as a yard, then you will need to take this into account too. Stopping criminals in their tracks before they set foot in your premises is a great way to start. Don’t let the common security issues for business stop you from growing a business.
One of the best ways to ensure your business is protected is to keep the criminals away completely. Having it monitored while you are not there means that there is always that presence that will keep the bad guys at arm’s length. At Sparta, we monitor local businesses, so the owners can relax when they step away from the premises. We sell peace of mind as standard, so get in touch to find out how we can help you deter the criminals from getting too close. It can save a lot of problems in the long run.
If something happens to your business, then you want to be able to give as much information as possible to the police. But without much to go on, you may not have a great deal to tell. That’s where CCTV monitoring comes in. Having high quality cameras will allow you to pass over a lot of information to the police. It will make their job easier – and we all want that. At Sparta we have quality CCTV systems designed to protect your business – and we monitor them too.
It is amazing to think about how much of our business is contained on our laptops, smartphones and in the filing cabinets of our business. Details of our customers, all our plans and intellectual property sits there. Think long and hard about how secure your systems are. Encrypt where you can and make sure all devices are protected with a password. There is always a risk with information security , but if you take steps then you minimise it as much as you can.
Although there is always a threat from organised criminals, you don’t want to provide temptation to the opportunist thief. Leaving equipment or stock in places that are easily visible might turn the head of someone. Think about how you keep all of your belongings out of sight so temptation doesn’t crop up. Out of sight is truly out of mind and this is 3rd on the list of our 7 most common security issues for business.
One of the real places where a business can become vulnerable is through the amount of cash they hold. If this applies to your business, then think about the different ways you can reduce this –
You don’t have to put yourself in a position where the cash in your business causes a problem.
Making sure that the members of your team are as vigilant with security issues as you are can be difficult. They maybe don’t feel as connected to it as you do. The solution is make sure they are aware of the potential security issues and the importance of staying on top of this. Involve them in meetings, speak to them about the issues and ask for their help. You will be amazed at how well they respond. This is the last in our list of the 7 most common security issues for business. If you have any others then we would love to hear from you.
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