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Sparta Security Group Logo

Get the care you need, from security professionals.



First class customer service guaranteed


Qualified site protection officers & ex-armed forces


Unique GPS tracking on all security officers


Lowered insurance with our comprehensive security services

Manned Security Guards,

24/7 Nationwide 

Having a gate house security presence is essential for any construction business. They are the eyes and ears for your assets and can respond immediately if intruders are on site. At Sparta our manned security guards patrol throughout the hour and have GPS tracking in place and can escalate to a senior Task Force Manager in the event intruders are on site. CCTV monitoring is a good deterrent for construction companies but a face mask and a team of professional will always win.

45% of construction crime comes from within so it is an excellent preventative to have CCTV covering your site (especially entry & exit points) and a security guard patrolling in daylight hours (with body camera) as they can also keep a stock check.

Protect Plant & Machinery

Manned Security is a must for any business with high value plant and equipment on site. There are hundreds of thousands of pounds of heavy machinery and equipment, not to mention building materials on a site at any one time. From April 2022 construction sites will only have white diesel on site which will attract thieves.

At Sparta we realise that sometimes the cost of having a security presence on site can outweigh the cost of assets stolen so we have various methods which are a good preventative.

Site security is always a case of risk versus reward for the criminals but the majority of construction sites do not vet their subcontractors adequately who contribute to 45%  of construction site theft.

Sparta are UK security experts within the construction industry and one of the common mistakes we see is a lack of communication between site manager and security manager with keys in plant machinery being left, containers being left open and pallets and containers being left next to the site hoarding - making easy access for thieves to come on and off site.

Please check out the Cesar system by clicking this (link)

This system is an excellent deterrent to site fraud.

image of GPS tracking

All Sparta Security Guards have this . 

What if there is an illness on site or medical emergency ? 

What is a security guard is assaulted ?

We protect our security guards and make sure they are safe and providing our clients with a professional security service.

Professional and fully trained security guards
Night vision and thermal imaging scans
Dog handlers
Body mounted CCTV

We are proud to work with...

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