There are different sectors in and near Leeds and the rest of Yorkshire that make use of our security services here at Sparta, such as the well-known security dogs complement our company offers the public to add value to their security profile. Our security dogs in Leeds and the region are among the best in the country since we carefully select only those animals that meet the highest industry demands and are, therefore, suited to the job of offering – with their dedicated master/guard/handler – excellent security for both the residential and commercial client.

Our guards and their dogs offer different, often versatile services insofar they are available to patrol your businesses premises such as shopping malls, your retail outlet, an empty piece of land you need to protect from unwanted individuals, groups of squatters that bring with them untold problems and risk for the owner, and any other commercial site or building that needs protection. Our security dogs in Leeds, together with their handlers/guards are also used on a regular basis to make sure residential properties such as houses, cottages and other dwellings are safe from the prying eyes of criminals that often move around the area looking for a possible house or other property to break into, whether it is day time or night. Criminals often study the movement at a building or house to establish what your routine is, then hit in your absence.
With the services we offer, we make it difficult for them since we create our own routines and patterns for your peace of mind and the safety you need. Therefore our Leeds security dogs are often the answer to help prevent crime in the first place and certainly the solution when criminals transgress or trespass. Our dogs are well trained, healthy, loyal and intelligent. They are trained for purpose, and by their very nature they are bred and trained to react to their master’s voice and commands in crime prevention and offering solutions.

Our guards are professional and experienced SIA registered officers, and the dogs they work with, chosen specifically for the task they are needed for. These Leeds security dogs are trained to always be alert and ready when they leave on a job, often at first in one of our Sparta Security marked patrol vehicles before they and their masters are dropped off where their services are required. Our security guards by themselves do a wonderful job as it is, but with the added advantage of a super intelligent and well-trained dog whose hearing ability and sight far overshadow that of any human, our services are offered with great confidence that all clients are offered a service second to none when they consider our guards and security dogs in Leeds and the rest of Yorkshire.
We always ensure that the experienced guards are well familiar with the property they have to guard and protect, and that, therefore, their animal is well versed in all aspects of guarding, searching, sniffing for substances and for alerting their master, and therefore Sparta Security, at the slightest suspicion of anything untoward.
First class customer service guaranteed
Qualified site protection officers & ex-armed forces
Unique GPS tracking on all security officers
Lowered insurance with our comprehensive security services